The RP accent is the 'posh' accent of England. When the world thinks of a 'Posh British Chap', this is the accent they are thinking of.
Once you have this down you can practice dropping some of the 'T's and 'H's, this will relax the accent and give you more of an Estuary sound. This is great if you want a more 'normal bloke' British accent, think of Ron in Harry Potter!
Phonetic Sentences
Use this link if you would like to hear the individual IPA symbols pronounced
ɪ Bin the hymn kit and sit a minute Sid.
e Many a Ted has dressed in bed to find that he's fallen asleep instead.
æ The bad man trapped the rat, who wore the ridiculously tattered hat.
ɒ The hot and bothered lot, had the odd wash, to stop the smell hitting the top!
ʌ Under the hut the cow loved to strut in the mud to show off her udders.
ʊ Put the good cook book on the hook.
iː The sea machine, made fleece, trees and bees.
eɪ At day break, the face of Dave lay in the hay.
aɪ Fly higher said the kite that tried, but he cried the price and lied.
ɔɪ The boy had a choice, one toy or to annoy another coy boy.
uː A goose with two blue eyes, was in a group that swooped and flew.
əʊ No! The goat show cannot throw out the bow-tied doe.
aʊ The loud mouth of the south town, now frowned, because he wore a gown.
ɪə Near here we are weary and shed a tear of fear.
eə At the fair there were various pairs of rare square hairs.
ɑː The task of the guard dog was to bark, alarm the yard and calm the last of the barn dancers.
ɔː Thor thought the north war was against the law.
ʊə The poor jury had a tour to help with the cure.
ɜː The nurse learned to stir and refer to her book.
ə The common actor, the standard writer and the about author all sat in the upper gallery.
i It was a happy, glorious time that radiated.
u You influenced the situation, thank you!
n̩ Suddenly cotton was everywhere!
l̩ The little metal bottle stood in the middle.
BBC Announcers Test
One hen
Two ducks
Three squawking geese
Four corpulent porpoises
Five limerick oysters
Six pairs of Don Alverzo's tweezers
Seven thousand Macedonians in full battle array
Eight brass monkeys from the ancient, sacred, crypts of Egypt
Nine apathetic, sympathetic, diabetic, old men on roller skates, with a marked
propensity towards procrastination and sloth
Ten lyrical, spherical, diabolical denizens of the deep who all stall around the
corner on the quo of the quay of the quivvey, all at the same time.