Hello Voice Artist and Narrator Chums!!!
This is where I will be keeping all of the Microphone samples from the various reviews. Now you have a place to check out when you want to compare all the microphones together! Yay!
I will keep this updated with more mics as we review them, so check in from time to time to see if there is a new sample you can have a little listen too!
Thanks all! YOU ROCK!!!
Sennheiser MKE 600
RAW Recording
Mastered Recording
Rode NT1 4th Generation
RAW Recording
Mastered Recording
Moano PD200X
RAW XLR Studio Recording
RAW USB Studio Recording
RAW USB Blanket Booth Recording
Mastered XLR Studio Recording
Mastered USB Studio Recording
Mastered USB Blanket Booth Recording
RAW XLR Room Tone Studio
RAW USB Room Tone Studio
RAW USB Room Tone Blanket Booth
Blue Yeti
RAW USB Studio Recording
RAW USB Blanket Booth Recording
Mastered USB Studio Recording
Mastered USB Blanket Booth Recording
RAW USB Room Tone Studio
RAW USB Room Tone Blanket Booth